2 days ago
Mental graffiti of a sporadically sarcastic rat who's finally quit the UK's race and now Canadian Citizen on the wet coast of British Columbia, Canada. Resigned to a certain sense of all the posts on this blog having a particular quality of déjà vu. Again. All written material Copyright Bill Sticker 2007-2011, whatever. Links are fine, but the words are mine
Yeah, I see the rays too but I don't think the rainbow has something to do with it.
Odd that. Rainbow arch and radial rays had a coincident focal point due east. As for the 'rays', could that optical effect have been caused by the setting sun directly behind me?
I know it doesn't show up too well in the picture, but I just couldn't get the whole arch in.
Crepuscular rays, though sometimes known as 'God Rays' to movie types. At least I'd guess so because I've heard the term used for the effect (special or natural) on a DVD commentary or two.
Got it AE. What I actually saw was Anticrepuscular rays.
The longer I live in BC, the more pleasantly surprised I become.
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