Blogger censors blogs. 3 Comments and an update missing from the last post.
Sod you lot, I'm off to Wordpress.
Update: So it was cock up rather than censorship. I stand corrected. I'm still off to Wordpress.
Storm Red
1 week ago
Mental graffiti of a sporadically sarcastic rat who's finally quit the UK's race and now Canadian Citizen on the wet coast of British Columbia, Canada. Resigned to a certain sense of all the posts on this blog having a particular quality of déjà vu. Again. All written material Copyright Bill Sticker 2007-2011, whatever. Links are fine, but the words are mine
< Creepy voice >
They're baaaaaaaaaa-aaaack.
Not the deleted posts and comments though. That was Blogger.
Just replied to your mail. Clusterfuck rather than any conspiracy, I reckon. Or Facebook's evil voodoo. Content is supposed to be being restored though it's not clear when. When Zuckerberg's negative rays wear off I suppose.
As I said in my email, I'm considering a move if I can get Wordpress to do what I want layout wise or find an acceptable looking template. The only problem is that all companies fuck up now and then and what's happened with Blogger can happen to any other, Wordpress included. Maybe the answer is to use two blogs and synch the content by posting simultaneously from an offline editor. That's what I want to try as soon as I find get my WP blog sorted out, though the next problem will be the offline blogging editors for Macs. Without exception every one I've tried has been shit, and using the excellent Windows Live Writer means a reboot or slowing the computer down with a Windows virtual machine running. Still, another advantage would be that you can save the posts locally in case of a similar outage in the future.
Hmmm. Much thinking to be done.
Incidentally, can't comment on The Bill Sticker Alternative at the mo unless logged into Wordpress. No biggie but I thought I'd mention it. Don't ask me where the control is for it there, I've no idea.
It's early days for the new Wordpress blog. Will open it up for all sorts of comment shortly.
Open for non logged in comments at new Wordpress blog.
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