Storm Red
2 months ago
Mental graffiti of a sporadically sarcastic rat who's finally quit the UK's race and now Canadian Citizen on the wet coast of British Columbia, Canada. Resigned to a certain sense of all the posts on this blog having a particular quality of déjà vu. Again. All written material Copyright Bill Sticker 2007-2011, whatever. Links are fine, but the words are mine
'A time pleaser, an affectioned ass that cons state without book and utters it by great swaths: the best persuaded of himself, so crammed with excellencies that it is his grounds of faith that all that look on him love him'One only has to sideline ones natural political tribalism and open your eyes.
The idea that anyone who objects to the most obvious and basic injustices must have some kind of personal problem is endemic in Britain these days.I'd go farther. The idea that by not agreeing with a very narrow world view that one is somehow socially impaired, is slow poison to a given society. This is demonstrated by the mess the UK has gotten into.
You will be aware that we are in the throes of a General Election very shortly so all the political parties are telling us why we should vote for them and all the goodies they will provide for us if they get into power - I seem to have heard this many times before.Says it all really.
war of words between scientists and climate change skepticsRight. Lets get this absolutely clear. Not all those on the Man Made Climate Change side of the slanging match are 'scientists'. Most appear to be activists, politicians, and business concerns with a lot to gain from this 'Carbon trading' malarkey. On the sceptical side of the argument are quite a number of properly qualified climate scientists, many of whom only speak out when they don't have to worry about activists in their establishment hierarchies cutting off their funding. The lamestream media also seem to have a very strange idea of who is a 'proper' climate scientist, and have been known to simply cut and paste press releases from 'grey' or pseudo research just to get a headline.
KLM, acting on a European Union request, flew a Boeing 737-800 without passengers at the regular altitude of 10 km (6 miles) and up to the 13 km maximum on Saturday. Germany's Lufthansa said it flew 10 empty planes to Frankfurt from Munich at altitudes of up to 8 km.The dust cloud is a Computer simulation? Heavy sigh. That's like using Mystic Megs Newspaper Horoscope to predict the migration patterns of Geese. You mean to tell me no-one actually took a plane up there, took samples of the cloud mass at varying levels over Europe and tested them for density, hardness etc? Oh good grief.
"We have not found anything unusual and no irregularities, which indicates the atmosphere is clean and safe to fly," said a spokeswoman for KLM, which is part of Air France-KLM. German airline Air Berlin said it had also carried out test flights and expressed irritation at the shutdown of European air space.
"We are amazed that the results of the test flights done by Lufthansa and Air Berlin have not had any bearing on the decision-making of the air safety authorities," Chief Executive Joachim Hunold said. "The closure of the air space happened purely because of the data of a computer simulation at the Vulcanic Ash Advisory Center in London,"
"The amount of gas produced was enough to cause increase temperatures for a whole summer."Apart from being shocking grammar for such a publication it's also the exact opposite of what happened. The Laki event caused lower regional temperatures, the Sulphur Dioxide and other volcanic emissions resulting in the death of crops and livestock. I swear that the Wikipedia entry has been doctored since I last checked it out. This article from NASA reports up to a three degrees Celsius cooling due to particulate matter blocking solar radiation.
The Laki event had such a significant impact on the climate because it released large amounts of sulfur dioxide into the atmosphere. When combined with water vapor, the gas formed into tiny particles called aerosols that reduced incoming solar radiation, cooling the average temperature over Northern Hemisphere land masses by as much as 3 degrees Celsius (5.4 degrees Fahrenheit) in the summer of 1783, as simulated with the computer model. Tree ring data also showed significantly reduced tree growth in the summer of 1783, indicative of the coolest summer of the last 400 years in northwestern Alaska, while tree growth in parts of Siberia was the least in 500-600 years.
We know who you are. We know where you live. We know where you work.Of course the challenges were immediate, such as;
And we be many, but you be few.
Congratulations.Of course there's been a lot of hurried backtracking and weasel words about 'non-violent means'; but let's say some Greenpeace activists, as they will in their zeal to get at the 'deniers', step over the line; the resultant legal fallout will bury Greenpeace. The first blow struck. The first damage to a sceptics property. The first harassment of a known sceptic in their job, of their family, of their friends. All that can and shall be tracked back to this single Greenpeace sanctioned official threat. Ouch.
You just crossed the line into being a terrorist organization.
Of course the anti-science brigade on the web has seized on the line in Gene’s post and run with it (and will run and run and run), taken it out of context and run with it some more – it’s what the climate contrarians exist to do.'Anti-science'? That's a bit rich isn't it considering the thinly-veiled-scare-story-press-releases-masquerading-as-scientific-reports that Greensleaze seem to specialise in.
David Miliband said: "It was a very different Britain. It was a meaner, more brutal Britain. David Cameron joined the Conservative Party in the 1980s because he admired much of what Mrs Thatcher was doing."He obviously doesn't recall the events that made the early privations of the 1980's necessary. Idiot.