Come tomorrow or the day after I shall be as full of beans as ever. Supper will have to be a take-out tonight as our Landlady forgot to re-order propane, which means I can't use our apartments gas stove. Bit of a nuisance, but not a big deal.
Paused at Wattsupwiththat at this post to make the following comment;
It was never the actual science, the problem has always been in the way the science has been reported to the public. A balance which Anthony and friends should be lauded for their efforts in redressing.
Anyone else think the WUWT team and Steve McIntyre should be put forward for a joint Nobel prize?
Then I popped over to the website to see what could be done in that regard.....oh.

Unless you belong to a pretty elite club, you have no chance of being proposed, no matter how deserving. Seeing as the qualifying people are mainly part of the group pushing the opposing agenda......Sorry guys.
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