This is one of those 'Thank God I don't live there any more' posts. So If such views offend, pass on by, you'll find nothing of interest here.
Whenever I read the news from the UK, I'm always struck by a feeling of 'What the hell are they doing this / that for?' It's like there is some massive cognitive dissonance going on about how an economy operates. Elder sibling tells me repeatedly that the 'lunatics are in charge of the asylum' and all I can do is stare in wonderment and even venture a modicum of astonished disbelief.
The land of my birth is seemingly engaged in a self destruct where personal wealth and ambition is seen as fundamentally 'bad'. Taken to its logical extreme this philosophy would mean the collapse of the economy. The end of the City of London as a Financial Centre, and subsequent shortfall in tax revenue. Seeing as that's where the money-go-round fuelling the UK economy is based, I'm inclined to look at all the whining about 'Eeevil Bankers' and protests against Employers who generate income for thousands as more than a smidge short sighted.
Whether you like it or not, with the ever creeping reductions in manufacturing and innovation across the UK, and the expansion of the public sector and client state, there is an increasing imbalance which will require a massive correction. Why? Because Big Government, touted as 'Good' by those of a left of centre persuasion, is, as I have written both here and on this blogs predecessor, unsustainable. When it comes to money, Government is a wealth absorber rather than a wealth creator. Mainly because it is horrendously inefficient. As a form of 'Wealth redistribution', Government delivers very poor bang for buck, and besides, if you've made your money fair and square, why should you give it to people / causes you don't want to support? It's like Electric cars. Despite a century of failure of the Electric vehicle as a mass market mode of travel, people who can't do joined up thinking keep on wasting money on the bloody things.
Same for Governments 'spending the way out of recession'. It won't work because there's too much wastage in the system. Too many chair polishers who need to draw salary. Too many committee members who, because of 'fairness' have to have their say and let off so much self esteem they cloud every issue under discussion. Little people afraid of third world tinpot dictators. Or is that a more succinct view of Government in the UK? Once a world power, now a third world country. No-one's listening Bill. Rant all you want against the stupidity of the world. You don't live there any more. Thank goodness.
'Sustainability'? Meh.
Storm Red
1 month ago
1 comment:
We in the UK are burdened with a “Committee on Climate Change (CCC)”. Their remit, copied from their web site, is as follows:
“The CCC is an independent body established under the Climate Change Act (2008). We advise the UK Government on setting and meeting carbon budgets and on preparing for the impacts of climate change.”
This less-than-august body has just released its “Fourth Carbon Budget”. The following paragraph from Chapter One captures the general tone of the Report:
“Recent public controversies have sparked several independent inquiries into the activities of climate scientists. As a result there have been recommendations for reinforcing the IPCC assessment process and increasing the transparency of research data and methods, which are being addressed. A small number of minor factual errors have been found in the IPCC’s reporting of climate change impacts in its Fourth Assessment Report. However, no new findings have emerged that call into question the robustness of the fundamental science.”
The whole dismal publication can be seen here:
From comes this commentary:
he CCC recommends a carbon tax on food, leading to higher beef and sheep prices – and “rebalancing diets” away from red meat. Meanwhile, household access to electricity will be restricted – thanks to smart grids – or taken away completely, with electricity rationed via a completely automated supply. You’ll do the laundry when you’re told to, not when you want to.
This is presented as a consumer choice (“enabling consumers to shift non time-critical demand to non-peak times”), but really the key is taking choice away from the consumer – personalised power cuts, if you like. Or no control at all.
“An important element of a smart grid is a ‘smart meter’ which will allow display of energy usage data in real time and remote or automated control of energy usage by suppliers and consumers.
“Meters will allow supply to be controlled remotely,” the report stresses, as if we missed the point.
It is pointed out that the policy term for the remote control of electricity supply is “choice editing”.
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