UK will 'cut and paste' EU laws directly onto UK statute books to cut down red tapeSo what's the point of the 'Green' Cameroonies and the eco-looney Huhnes? Someone tell me please, I've forgotten.
Storm Red
1 month ago
Mental graffiti of a sporadically sarcastic rat who's finally quit the UK's race and now Canadian Citizen on the wet coast of British Columbia, Canada. Resigned to a certain sense of all the posts on this blog having a particular quality of déjà vu. Again. All written material Copyright Bill Sticker 2007-2011, whatever. Links are fine, but the words are mine
UK will 'cut and paste' EU laws directly onto UK statute books to cut down red tapeSo what's the point of the 'Green' Cameroonies and the eco-looney Huhnes? Someone tell me please, I've forgotten.
"So what's the point of the 'Green' Cameroonies and the eco-looney Huhnes? Someone tell me please, I've forgotten."
Well, you see, they are our "government". If you don't have any Camerons or Huhnes, don't be jealous - we can let you have ours, free - we have about 600 of them and every one braindead!
Well spotted.
I nicked, reposted, and shoved a link in the post.
No! You can keep every single one of the useless bastards. We in the colonies aren't your dumping ground any more. So there.
OK, we'll just have to hang them then.
WFW. Want to buy some piano wire?
@TFE: I already have some my friend!
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