Had a pleasant morning and Les Girls dropped me off at an old family friends house while the Memsahib of said gaff went lunching and shopping with Mrs S and Youngest. Old family friend and I watched a lacklustre England play a slightly less so Algeria before declaring the game 'pretty awful' and switching off. Found the constant Vuvuzela noise in the background somewhat akin to a Junior Motocross event going on two blocks away, the sound reminded me that much of 125cc Two stroke motorcycle engines.
Having switched off the TV, we drank tea, fixed his garden sprinkler system, looked up old Atlases and generally rattled about this and that until our respective family members returned. After that I ran a couple of errands, picked up some fresh veg for the weekends repasts, with an emphasis on stir fries and salads. Then back to the barn to christen the outdoor pool.
On the whole, a pleasant sunny day has been enjoyed by all. Well, apart from the footie. England were pretty dire and I found myself wondering; "How much do they pay these guys?" I've seen disappointing performances before, but oh my. Waiting for the goddamn adverts and trailers to finish was bad enough. As if I needed another reason not to want to watch TV any more.
This concludes any further posts on football, the World Cup and anything related to it. Time for a whiskey.
Storm Red
5 weeks ago
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