Have phoned round friends and neighbours to tip them off over the Tsunami warning. So while we wait with bated binoculars for the predicted probable non-event around threeish, might one draw attention to these articles re: home schooling. The first being the death of an abused child who was supposed to be 'home schooled', the second being Gerald Warners blog article over at the UK Daily Telegraph, the third being this enlightening little chart put up at renegadeparent.net. Fern Britton catches a spanking for her reporting of the case on this blog entry.
Over in the UK, there is a body of political thought that seems to want home schooling banned. Over here in BC we seem to know better. Home schooling is allowed government financial support through various schemes. There are significant online resources for home schoolers which are there for the parent who wants their children to have a decent education outside of the school system.
A world of difference from the political 'social engineers' over in the UK who like to seize on any and every opportunity to deny other people choice. I don't see what said activists have to gain from it apart from short term political power and privilege, but maybe that is all there is. Must be a European thing.
Storm Red
5 weeks ago
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