Now I don't like everything that comes out of Glenn Becks mouth, but this little social retrospective, points out without a shadow of a doubt that there is precious little to choose between Communism and National Socialism. Yes, yes, I know it's from Fox, but overall the film securely nails the oft repeated left wing assertion that the Nazi's were or are 'Right wing'. The sources Beck uses in his little fifteen minute movie are culled directly from from the writings of Marx and Engels, Goebbels and Hitler. Nor can the old 'out of context' chestnut be dragged out; when looked at dispassionately, the similarities are quite stunning. The only discernible difference is that Hitler and his cohorts were Nationalists, and the Communist and Socialists Internationalist. The tools of repression, propaganda and murder remained, if not the same, then remarkably similar.
In addition, the revelations about George Bernard Shaw's beliefs in eugenics (Out of his own mouth taken from archive newsreels) I found particularly disturbing. He actually voiced an opinion that people should have to justify their life every five or seven years, or be killed by the state. Shaw was part of that pre world war two 'Green' movement which advocated mass extermination of 'undesirables', rather like elements of the modern day environmental movement.
It seems to my poor reasoning faculties that Communism and National Socialism come from the same idealogical wellspring. To encapsulate; "We know what is good for you so shut up and do what you're told. We own you." In this fashion, modern political environmentalism can also be demonstrated to flow from the same polluted political headwaters. The only differences appear little more than window dressing. All they want is Lebensraum, and if it's your space they want, then tough luck and goodnight. There be monsters and what they advocate is monstrous.
Storm Red
1 week ago
All good points, but what you're up against is a mentality that believes a group calling itself the Socialist Worker's Party is clearly left wing, and probably far left at that, but sticking 'National' on one end and 'Germany' on the other clearly refers to what was a far right group. There are none so blind...
Angry Exile,
Just as an aside, but did you ever meet a member of any organisation calling itself Socialist Workers Party, or any variant thereof that did an honest days work in their lives? I never have.
........ does going on a march count?
Angry Exile,
No, Marches do not count as 'work'. Not unless you're in the military. Nice try though.
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