All is right with my particular little bit of the world for the moment. Dog is snoozing lightly snuggled at his master's feet, the apartment has been cleaned top to bottom. Well, it will be by this afternoon; I'm just taking a short blogging break.
Did have a problem with our little 4x4 which turned out to be a loose oil sensor causing a knock on effect that made the engine cut out. Refitted the loose sensor after cleaning all the clag off it with some WD40. Have treated it with some oil and a tank of 89 octane gasoline and now it purrs up hill and down dale like a big ol' pussycat. I've even given it a wash.
The kitchen is cleaned and I just have to give the bathroom (and the dog) the once over and my chores are done. Mrs S and I take turns to do this, and I try not to be too competent at cleaning, or else she'll insist I get the scrubbing brushes out every spare moment I have. Heavy sigh. It begins when you sink into her arms, it ends with your arms in her sink.
After I'm done I'm going to bunk off for an hour or twos fishing this afternoon when the tide is full. The rod is refurbished with two hundred feet of new 30lb line to compensate for my improved casting. I may take a beer with me. The rest of the world can carry on without my input for a while. It's a lovely day and I shall be seeing our youngest later on this evening when Mrs S and she return from Vancouver.
Storm Red
2 months ago
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