The sun shines a bit more / less than average - Man Made Climate Change! - We need Green Taxes!
The rain falls a little more / less than average - Man Made Climate Change! - We need Green Taxes!
The wind blows a little more / less than average - Man Made Climate Change! - We need Green Taxes!
It's all getting a bit tired and repetitive.
If someone is dubious about the whole CO2 caused climate change thing and says so - "Denier!" Scream the 'believers'. I'm sure certain of said camp would like to see those of us who dare to question their belief of Carbon Dioxide generated Armageddon metaphorically or even physically burned at the stake. Like the Heretics of old they would want those of a sceptical mind converted to the 'true faith' and arrange some kind of auto de fé for those who do not recant. The 'believers' have even been deleting web pages which contradict their assertions where they can, like this wikipedia entry about the Roman Warm Period.

Oh well, if the warmista's get their way at least I'll end up toasty. It's a bit parky out at present and the local mountains look quite scenic with their frosting of snow.
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