Popped over to the dear old Torygraph for my daily dose of "Thank God I don't live there any more."
I see that some moron politician by the name of Ed Balls has proposed a 'Licence for teachers', renewable every five to ten years. The bad news for this eye catching initiative is Teachers already have to have a 'licence'. They cannot even get hired without a certificate from the General Teaching Council. Not only that, but they and their schools often get inspected and assessed every three years. I mean, come on.
Maybe we should have, as certain commentators have already suggested, a 'Licence for Politicians'. Basic qualifications; ten years private sector work experience with degree or equivalent in a 'hard' subject like Engineering, Physics, Mathematics, Chemistry or similar with the stipulation that having a degree in the Political or Social 'Sciences' (Including an MBA) automatically disqualifies any candidate. That should keep some of the riff raff out of politics. Might spare the rest of us from their continual self justification and unskilled tinkering.
Politicians have mooted in the past that bloggers should be licensed, but as bloggers (Apart from those individuals belonging to political spin machines) take no money from the public purse, there is no pressing need. Apart from sparing those in power the serial embarrassment of being caught with their fingers in the proverbial till yet again.
Just a thought.
Storm Red
4 weeks ago
HUH? Bloggers should be licensed? You're kidding right? I think my brain just fell out of my skull...
Some politicians thought (And probably still think) that bloggers should not be allowed to post without a journalism 'licence' or permit. There was a bid to bring such legislation into Europe around two years ago. Italy was the primary flashpoint I recall.
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