Friday 20 November 2009 (No link to ftp location)

Regarding Climategate, Hadleygate, CRUgate, whatever. One thing that has particularly piqued my interest is the title of the zipped file used to leak e-mails and data that are currently bringing the 'science' of CO2 caused Anthropogenic Global Warming (or Climate Change, please yourself) crashing down to Earth. Was it really 'hackers' or an inside job?

My money is on an inside job. Let me share my rather modest thought processes on the matter. First the file title; FOI2009. FOI refers to the UK's 'Freedom of Information act' and 2009 of course the year. As file name conventions go, there's something so very MS-DOS about it. Seven alphanumeric digits. Also the particularly English (Not Canadian or American) language that went with the accompanying note which seems to me to indicate the author is an educated native born English speaker with a specifically British middle class education. The vocabulary and sentence structure is a big clue here. So we're looking at someone who has experience of operating systems which only support the old eight and three file name convention. Technical writing ability, possibly. See below.

"We feel that climate science is, in the current situation, too important to be kept under wraps.
We hereby release a random selection of correspondence, code, and documents"
I'm not giving anything away here as no doubt any investigator would have the brains to profile a possible whistleblower with legitimate access within the Hadley Climate Research Unit. Considering the type of institution Hadley CRU is, that's a lot of potential suspects.

BTW: For those of you looking for the file itself, your best bet is via Wattsupwithat or Jeff Id's Air Vent. I haven't the time to keep up with whichever changing links are working and which aren't. Best of luck.

Important update: The e-mails are now on a searchable database to be found here at H/T This post at Wattsupwithat.

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