Blogger censors blogs. 3 Comments and an update missing from the last post.
Sod you lot, I'm off to Wordpress.
Update: So it was cock up rather than censorship. I stand corrected. I'm still off to Wordpress.
Storm Red
2 months ago
Mental graffiti of a sporadically sarcastic rat who's finally quit the UK's race and now Canadian Citizen on the wet coast of British Columbia, Canada. Resigned to a certain sense of all the posts on this blog having a particular quality of déjà vu. Again. All written material Copyright Bill Sticker 2007-2011, whatever. Links are fine, but the words are mine
Derivation;Now nowhere in that lot does the phrase "Made redundant then asked to come back by your ex-employers to do your old job for zip."
obsolete French 'voluntaire' (now volontaire), from voluntaire, adjective, voluntary, from Old French, from Latin 'voluntarius' (Adjective; willing)
First Known Use: circa 1600
Ofsted continues to put pressure on local authorities to increase the number of adoptions; recognises that the only significant way in which this can be done is to increase the adoptions of babies and toddlersSuch is the motivation for stealing unweaned children from their parents almost literally at birth. One of the cited reasons for such evil is an unverifiable 'risk of emotional abuse'. Now being a parent, I know that low level 'emotional abuse' is pretty much a two way street in any family. I've been on the receiving end, and tried very hard not to pay back in kind (Not always possible). And it's a pretty flimsy excuse for such a draconian measure.
Total Compensation as of March 01, 2011: CAD$960,247,668Taken from the original source here. When the scandal finally breaks (As break it must, injunctions or no) in the UK, guess who will be picking up the tab? Got it in one - Taxpayers
Remarkably painless. Five minutes. I can do this.
- Who are you?
- How many live there permanently?
- Who are they?
- Is this your correct address? Hate Propaganda (Clauses 4 and 5)
Hate propaganda offences must be committed against an “identifiable group.” Clause 4 of the bill adds “national origin” to the definition of “identifiable group.”8
Clause 5 of the bill provides that the offences of public incitement of hatred and wilful promotion of hatred may be committed by any means of communication and include making hate material available, by creating a hyperlink that directs web surfers to a website where hate material is posted, for example.